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Government Works
Policy Analyst's ToolBox
Consultation ToolBox
Registration and Documents


Story of the Red Triangle
Ideas for Leg Program
Facilitation 101

Useful Links and Books


Downloading Files

The best way to download files from this site using a Windows computer is to right-click the link and choose "Save As". Note that this file will be saved in a default location hidden within the bowels of your C-Drive if you do not choose a handier location, such as your computer's desktop.


You will need to complete and fax a registration form to
613-822-5208 before a position can be reserved for you in any workshop. The same registration form can be used for up to three participants, each registering in any or all of the four available workshops.

You can obtain a registration form by three different means:

Participants should be aware of the cancellation policy.
If you do not receive a confirmation email within one week of sending the fax, please notify learn@brattlestreet.ca.

Credit Card Payments

We accept MasterCard and Visa payments for workshops.


Brattle Street's offices are located at:

Brattle Street Round Table
207 Bank Street, Suite 450,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
K2P 2N2

Phone: (613) 612-4798
Email: Ian_Hornby@brattlestreet.ca

Last Updated: September 9, 2020

Adobe Acrobat Files

All of the files available for downloading from this Web site are in Adobe Acrobat. Such files are designated with a .pdf extension. It is most likely that the reader required to open these files is already loaded into your computer. If it is not, please click on the Acrobat icon below, which will begin the process of downloading this free software.