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Government Works
Policy Analyst's ToolBox
Consultation ToolBox
Communications ToolBox
Registration and Documents
Special Pricing




Build discount credits for subsequent workshops

After you have taken both Government Works and Policy Analysts' ToolBox, regardless of when or in what order, you will have earned a $250 discount towards the Consultations ToolBox. And once you have taken those three, you will have earned another discount - $350 - for the Communications ToolBox.

Two workshops at a reduced rate

If you register at the same time for Government Works and Policy Analyst's ToolBox for sessions within six months of each other, the combined price will be dropped by $200. (However you do not then also qualify for a discount for the Consultations ToolBox)

Multiple participants save money

If more than three people apply from the same collator (billing address) for the same workshop(s) at the same time, then the fourth person receives a 30% discount, the fifth a 45% discount. For more than five, please contact Brattle Street.

Co-op students free

We have a limited number of free positions for co-op students. Please contact Brattle Street for the availability of positions.


Brattle Street's offices are located at:

Minto Business Centre,
440 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 200,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
K1R 7X6

Phone: (613) 782-2312
Email: learn@brattlestreet.ca


Click here to find out how to register.

Brattle Street Round Table 200-440 Laurier Ave West, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada . Tel: 613.782.2312 . e-mail: learn@brattlestreet.ca .
All pages on this site are Copyright 2002 by Brattle Street Round Table