
Perfromance Measurement and Evaluation ToolBox

An introduction to measuring efficiency and effectiveness

This workshop provides participants with many of the core skills needed to initiate and refine a regulatory programme or any other kind of programme or policy.

Three days - $750 pp + HST

Contact us for possible dates.


A policy is created; a programme is designed and then launched. Next comes short-term performance measurement which seeks to answer questions around efficiency. Then, after a longer period, it is time for an evaluation to assess effectiveness, which seeks to answer "How did we do?" and "Were we successful?" Too often performance measurement and evaluation is pushed to the back corner of an organization, often separating it from the specific programmes under review. This workshop seeks to provide policy analysts and programme and community managers with a set of integral tools to assess their own programmes and make adjustments as the need arises.

Who will benefit from this workshop

This course is designed for policy analysts and managers of the EC-3 to EC-7 levels, or equivalent. Some experience in policy analysis or programme design is helpful, but is not required.

What participants learn

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
  • Understand the relationship between programme planning and evaluation
  • Understand the difference amongst audit, performance measurement, and evaluation
  • Design a logic model
  • Develop a performance measurement and evaluation framework
  • Get the data.

Workshop Facilitator

Ian Hornby

To book a workshop

Contact Ian to discuss how and when he can offer your group a workshop.

Ian Hornby:
Phone: (613) 612-4798
Email: learn@brattlestreet.ca
Website: www.brattlestreet.ca

Last Updated: February 25, 2019

Brattle Street Round Table 450-207 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada . Tel: 613.612.4798 . e-mail: learn@brattlestreet.ca .
All pages on this site are Copyright 2002-19 by Brattle Street Round Table